*Backpay is reported as taxable compensation, included in social security and Medicare (FICA) wages and subject to income tax and FICA withholding. Retirement contribution earned through county - Judges only Non-taxable grievance/settlement payments*ĩ. Military leave payments or adjustments marked 'Med/SS Non-Tax'Ĩ. Basic allowance - housing and subsistenceħ.
Beneficiary payments at employee's death-subsequent yearĥ. Non-taxable travel or other expense reimbursementsģ. Therefore, you may need to review all earnings statements for the applicable calendar year to find these amounts:Ģ. However, non-taxable wages will only be found on the earnings statements for periods in which you received these types of wages. These amounts are also found in the 'Earnings' section of your earnings statement.
Reduce Gross Pay by Non-Taxable Wages Received During the Year: This can be found in the 'Earnings' section.
Obtain your year-to-date total gross pay from your last earnings statement for the applicable year.